"Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present."

- Albert Camus

Current Projects


Hurricane Dorian Relief

The Abacos are completely devastated and are mostly uninhabitable. Our friends at Air Unlimited have established a command center to support General Aviation Volunteer Pilots who are donating their aircraft and personal time to fly in relief supplies. Supplies are being flown to Nassau then brought by boat to a volunteer distribution point on the Abaco Islands.

100% of donations to this project will go directly to purchasing supplies as well as the jet fuel necessary to facilitate these missions into the devastated areas.

Emergency Supplies for South Sudan IDP Camp

Lives are being destroyed in South Sudan. After five years of tribal strife in the world’s newest nation, almost half the population is facing acute food insecurity. With over 2 million Internally Displaced People (IDP’s), or 16% of the population, DART is focused on meeting some of the most basic human needs for survival.  What few possessions they had in their villages have either been destroyed or stolen by rogue militias roaming the countryside.


The mother pictured in this photo is named Choi Wuor Teny. She witnessed her husband being killed during a militia raid on her village of Leer in June. She fled what remained of her torched village with her seven children to a 40,000 personal IDP camp in Ganyliel where she met our team.Thanks to your generosity, DART is able to provide families like Choi Wuor Teny’s with life-saving food and supplies such as mosquito nets, sleeping mats, soap and plastic sheets used forcritical cover and protection from the harsh elements.


Shallow-Well Drilling in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is particularly prone to devastating drought and famine as well as pervasive water-borne illness. Our partnership with EKHC secures clean water access via shallow depth drilling in the most remote and vulnerable areas of Ethiopia. The well pictured is adjacent to the small village of Alem Gena, where the entire village of 91 households has access to this clean, local, and sustainable water source. Before drilling, the EKHC team of geologists assesses the need and long-term viability of each potential well and trains villagers on proper well management and distribution of water.

$12,000 covers the entire cost of one well, and one hundred percent of donations to this campaign go directly to the project.

Earning a living-wage while sifting bio-sand medium for filters.
Earning a living-wage while sifting bio-sand medium for filters.

Ethiopian Bio-Sand Water Filters

     For many villages and towns in Ethiopia where well-drilling is not an option and clean water remains an issue, these locally made water filtration systems are a literal life-saver.

     Our partnership with EKHC has opened the door to reach thousands of individual households across the country that would otherwise be forced to drink directly from stagnant and polluted sources.

     This affordable solution is also easy to use, and all recipients are trained on the importance of clean water and how to operate and maintain the system. The end user builds the filter, so buy-in is virtually guaranteed.

     One filter for an entire household costs only $20 and provides many years of clean water. All donations to this campaign go directly to the manufacture and distribution of bio-sand filters.

Sustainable Agriculture for Sebeta Orphanage

     This small orphanage about 20km SW of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is home to 30 girls. Here, the girls have a safe and loving environment to grow up, get an education, and to learn the skills necessary to go on to university or technical school. On our most recent visit, the orphanage manager brought to our attention that there is a great need for a more sustainable food source at the compound to provide for the daily needs of the girls. 

     Funding for this project covers the hiring of a university educated agricultural employee, the purchase of two dairy cows, and the inputs and tools required to plant and upkeep a food plot on the property. 

     All of this can be accomplished for around 3,000 USD. All funds donated to this initiative go directly to paying the salary of the employee, agricultural inputs, and towards the purchase of livestock for the orphanage. 


DART Longevity Fund

   Our highest priority is to make sure that our current disaster relief efforts and ongoing sustainable community development projects are funded. But for those who have a desire to support our internal longevity, this is the campaign for you. These funds will be allocated toward necessary overhead expenses associated with projects, including the costs of fundraising and travel to projects. All donations to this category include a breakdown of the funded expenses as they are incurred. 

Project page is updated regularly to reflect updates and new initiatives